Rimfire Guest Days
What is a Guest day?
OnTarget Rimfire club is allow to offer it's member's up to three guest days a year. This offer's Rimfire club members the opportunity to share their passion for shooting with a friend or family member. Allowing them to shoot club rifles at the range.
How does it work?
Give the range a call and book a lane for the guest day. We will need the name of your guest at the time of booking.
You will need to download and print off a copy of the clubs Section 21 form, for your guest to complete and bring in on the day along with some photo I.D.
Section 21 forms can be found Here
Your guest will be using your ammunition and .22lr club guns only. It will be your job to instruct your guest making sure they shoot in a safe manner following the rules of the range. An RCO will be present and must check guns and magazines are made safe before being returned as per normal range practice. You may only instruct guests on a 1-2-1 basis.
What are the dates?
The dates for Guest day's are normally announced at the Rimfire club AGM at the beginning of the year. Look out for a club email with the dates, or alternatively call the
range to find out.
Whats the cost?
The lane will cost your normal range fee.